Al Khalil Open Masjid Day

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Dear Muslim Community of SA,
We warmly encourage you to participate in an important opportunity for Dawah by inviting your non-Muslim colleagues and neighbors to the Masjid.

Al-Khalil Open Day on Sunday, 15th December 2024, from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

Allah Said , Say, “This is my way; I invite to Allah with insight, I and those who follow me. And exalted is Allah ; and I am not of those who associate others with Him.” (12:108)
Dawah is a noble act, as the

Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said:
“Convey from me, even if it is one verse.” (Bukhari)
“Whoever guides someone to goodness will have a reward like the one who did it.”(Muslim)
“If Allah guides one person through you, it is better for you than the most valuable red camels.” (Bukhari & Muslim)

This Open Day is a chance to share the message of Islam, foster understanding, and remove misconceptions to strengthen community bonds.

To register for the event, please visit:

For more information, please
contact Dr. Ahmed Mostafa at 0448 363 725.
جزاكم الله خيرا
Warm regards,
Masjid Al-Khalil & Khairan team